Rainforest Magic - Robert E Sebastian

A print made and sold at $80.00 1980 just sold in USA for $2200.00 US Funds.

Eagles flight
White wolf Den
The Eagles older stock
Gallery visions

A Special International Vision, a small mark on the globe, Sebastian presents art of the north west coast of Britsh Columbia

Portland Pelican

The Portland Pelicans are tribute to the people of north western Oregon USA who stopped the raising of a dam which would of flooded the pelican's nesting sights.

Click on Mars?

Mars Message, Mars came closest to earth in August 2004 , the closest in a thousand years, the planet shines onto the House of Wolf. 

The Montreal Expos,Tim Wallach, Jeff Fanning
Robert appeared at the Big-O in Montreal, at the 14 Expos birthday!

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Eagles Bluff - Super large-$1,000.00 smaller $140.
Eagles Bluff is valley in the mind of the artist there is no pollution, and the water is perfect .

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To order prints e-mail Robert at Artatbob@uniserve.com

Images not for copy- Contact artist first - Warning!